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Yearsort descending Model Owner Country Photo URL
1989 GSX-R750RR RK . Australia View details
1989 GSX-R750RR RK D. Wandzura View details
1989 GSX-R400 . Portugal View details
1989 GSX-R750RR RK W. Ward United Kingdom View details
1989 GSX-R750RR RK A. Carr United Kingdom View details
1989 GSX-R750RR RK . Portugal View details
1989 GSX-R750RR RK J. Moore Australia View details
1989 GSX-R750RR RK G. Martin Australia View details
1989 GSX-R750RR RK G. Martin Australia View details
1989 GSX-R400 . Portugal View details
1989 GSX-R750RR RK A. Wasson Canada View details
1990 GSX-R400 . Portugal View details
1990 GSX-R1100 C. BLANK United States View details
1991 GSX-R1100 g. crowe Ireland View details
1992 GSX-R1100 a. dag View details
1992 GSX-R750 W. Britton View details
1998 GSX-R750 r. cook Spain View details
2007 GSX-R600 S. Carlston United States View details
2010 GSX-R1000 S. Ivens View details
2011 GSX-R600 S. Carlston United States View details
